Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Magic of Summer

With the hustle and bustle of the school year, it is easy to forget just how great summer can be. I love fall, with the crisp air and the colorful leaves falling...but soon that leads to winter. Winter is my least favorite time of the year. Short days and bleak skies. I just push through hoping to make it past February..then I know there is hope. Hope of days like last night. Nights where I walk out to let the dog in, and Andrew decided to play in Kramer's water bowl...which reminds me to refill it. The next thing I know their are two kids shrieking with glee while splashing water at each other in the yellow pool.

I had planned out my Photo-a-day picture already because it was also our 8th Anniversary..but I just had to run with plan B when a pool party broke out in the backyard. TO top things off, Kenny brought home snowcones for all of us from the BEST snowcone place around. It was a fun evening, followed by quick baths and kids in bed early. Here a few pictures from our magical summer.

I know these summer days are long but before we know it, we will be back in school. Already looking forward to the aisles of aisles of school supplies at Walmart and 20 cent boxes of Crayola for backpacks...I get butterflies just thinking of all the fun.

Avery and I sat down to write a list of all the fun things we could think of to do this summer. On Sunday nights we will plan out our week. Today is a picnic in the park and tomorrow the Keller Pointe. She is reading a chapter book a day (easily). One of my newest rules of summer is the 'quiet hour.' Andrew goes down for his nap at 12, so from 12-1 we are quiet in our rooms or on the computer. I bought a 60 minute timer to help her know when time is up. Speaking of time I must get to packing my picnic...Andrew sure can eat a ton! Take care fellow bloggers!

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