Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Is this really happening?

So, loyal blog friends...It has been awhile since I really shared the nuts and bolts of what has been going on.
Timeline Recap:
Summer 2007-decide while visiting Seaside, FL that we should move to Texas
Jan. 2008-Put House for sale
April 2008-Kenny moves to Dallas to start his new job.
June 2008-We all move to our new apt in FW
August 2008-Sell House
Oct 2008-Andrew is born
August 2009-Alesha gets job in Keller, A starts Kinder

Some things are just painful to write about when you are going through them. Rather than be fake about what was going on, I chose to be silent to the blogging world. March 2010 we decided to go house hunting and found the perfect house for us. March 17th..it was St. Patrick's Day..I was on Spring Break and K and I spent the day together. We walked into this house and we both just looked at each other. We knew it was the one. Thus the torturing process of getting this house began. Let's just say getting a house in 2010 is not nearly as simple as it was in 2003 when we bought our first house. We ended up dealing with 2 lending companies, hundreds of emails, faxes and signatures later...May 17th came and we finally closed on this house. Those of you who work with me know just how draining this process was. It was just awful. I could accept it if they said no, but it was the not knowing that made it so hard. My faith was shaken and I just wanted to go to sleep and be awoken when everything was settled. My dear husband was a trooper through the whole process. He never gave up and was there for me to dry my tears and the two months drug on. He handled 98% of all the paperwork and without his diligence we wouldn't be in this great house today.

Having said all of that, can I just say how much I love our new house. I can NOT believe the 2 years of living in the small dungeon are over. We are in natural light heaven. The layout is perfect. We have a very open floor plan with a guest bedroom and full bath downstairs. The master suite, and 2 kids bedrooms are up with a little office loft as well. Perfect sized fenced in backyard with two Japanese Pear Trees. The neighborhood pool is at the end of our street, too. I look around and I can't wrap my head around this. How blessed am I? I am about to celebrate 8 years with my best friend, I have 2 healthy beautiful children & a great job. WOW! Please don't think I am bragging...because I am not in anyway doing that...just in awe of how much God has blessed me with. total. awe.

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