Saturday, May 2, 2009

It's May, and I have a lot to say!

Dear Loyal Blog Readers,

SO sorry that I haven't been updating this as i should. I will start with the most recent things and work my way backwards.

The Biggest Winners:
Kenny and I have changed our eating and exercising lifestyle recently. I have battled my weight my whole life, but Kenny has an amazing metabolism and has never really had to diet. I love my 2 kids but they have totally messed up my body. About 6 months after Avery was born my thyroid stopped working, so I will be on Synthroid for the rest of my life. Sometimes the dosage is off and I gain weight very, very easily because it slows down my entire metabolism. This happened again in late January and I put on 10 lbs in no time. I was also feeling very tired and sad at times. I knew my levels were off so I went in for a blood test and they showed just what I was feeling. So, my levels are finally right, whew! :) I haven't had fast food/ fried food in two weeks now. I eat 5 times a day...but healthy fresh fruit and vegetables. I feel so much better. Just today, we went to the Fort Worth zoo and Avery and I were skipping around...and it felt so great to feel good. Kenny and I have also been working out 5-6 times a week and going to bed at 10pm. All good things that make a huge difference. Many of you have been encouraging me lately and I really appreciate it. We are approaching this as a lifestyle change and not a diet.

Quote from Avery today as we were entering the zoo: "The best thing about the zoo today is that mommy didn't bring her camera." I had to is a lot more fun just living in the moment and not feeling pressure to capture it.

Avery is having her birthday party in Baton Rouge on May 16th at her Great Grandmothers house. Her theme this year is rainbows. She is already planning out the theme for next years party..gotta love a planner. Her invitations turned out really cute. I mailed them out this morning. I am also going to have a small party for her church and dance friends from here. Cupcakes in the Park...should be fun.

We went to Seagrove Beach, Florida a couple of weeks ago for an entire week. We flew to BR and then drove to Florida. We stayed in the same house that we have gone to since 2005. The Hebert's were kind enough to lend us their expedition for the trip. Kenny had to stay home and work. It was great for me to be spoiled for a week with having so much help with the kids. The scariest part was when we lost Avery at the beach on Easter Sunday. She was playing in the sand about 10 ft from us. I turned my back to her to put sunscreen on Andrew...took 1 pic of him...and then looked around to find her and she was gone. Turns out she had gone back into the house to go to the bathroom. She said she couldnt find us. We were all right there...but it was so loud that day at the beach...very windy. The whole thing shook me up... But after all of that we really had a nice time. Special thanks to Mom and Steve for providing such an awesome trip for us.

Graduation Picture Visit:
The Hebert's came to the Big D for a short weekend trip. I took senior pictures for was a lot of fun. We had a great time with some really great food..Mexican, BBQ and Hibachi!

"Pastor" Kenny:
Hehe..sounds funny huh? Kenny has enrolled for Summer and Fall seminary classes at DTS. I really enjoyed the break as he took this last semester off. He has gotten a lot of teaching experience this semester at church. Sitting in one of his classes I was amazed at how talented he really is. I am very proud of him!

Mister Andrew:
He is doing well. Growing, growing, growing! He is very good and has been a great addition to our family. Sometimes I look at him and I can't believe I have a girl AND a boy.

Teaching JOB:
No leads on a teaching job for me just yet....We sent out 20 just waiting to hear something. I have my first certification test on Monday. Wish me luck!

Sooo, here are some snapshots from the last month or so.

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