Monday, November 3, 2008

On Motherhood...

So I don't have a picture for this post...but I am afraid it might be a little frightening anyway. I will try to paint the picture with words instead.

If I hear, you sure are lucky you can nurse...again anytime soon...I may throw something. Yes, I am so lucky to feed a newborn 10 times a day at all hours of the night. I am the only one that can get up because I am the only one with the 'equipment'. Lucky, lucky me. And while I am nursing one one side, I am lucky enough to have the other side pouring milk down my shirt. I hate nursing in public so I have about a 2 hour window to get out of the house and return to get anything done.

And when I am having an especially lucky day, Andrew will somehow manage to get his fresh diaper to leak on me. It must be a boy thing but somehow he manages to do this at least 3 times a day.

I am also very lucky to be able to stay home and not work this year. But i have to say that sometimes you feel like you are going a little crazy..when your day is filled with entertaining a four year old. My life is filled with playdoh, noggin, simon says and all the imaginary friends our apt can hold. Today I fell asleep on the couch for 15 whole minutes when I opened my eyes to see Avery right in my face holding a juice box for me to open while trying to feed me her newest ice cream play doh concoction.

Then this evening I tried to go to the bathroom...alone for a few minutes...when Avery decided to grace me with her presence. She felt the need to put on a play by getting in the tub and announcing her newest act from behind the shower curtain...while Andrew cried at the top of his lungs while in his swing. All I wanted was 3 minutes to am I lucky or what??

So today I feel that I am going a little crazy...wanna come along?

PS As I was reading over this before I published it, Avery looked over at me and said,"Mommy, what friends are we again?...We are Wall-E friends mom... Mom, you look kinda sick looking." So on that note I will officially sign off. :P

1 comment:

Abby said...

I'm so glad about my blog too! I love your motherhood blog. It is so true! Can't wait to see you soon!