Wednesday, October 22, 2008

2 weeks and counting...

We made it two whole weeks! Mr. Andrew went to the doctor today for his check-up. He only gained 2.5 ounces from last week. They were hoping he would gain about 8 or so. I am disappointed because I have been very diligent to nurse him EVERY 3 hours (day and night)....which is quite the task. They are going to weigh him again on Friday, if he hasnt gained at least a few ounces they will supplement him with formula. I am not terribly worried since I know he is a great eater and doing well other than that.

I have some really good pictures of Andrew that I have been working on. (Shocking, huh?) I haven't posted them yet because I am saving them for the birth announcement. I hope to have them to you in a week. I just received the proof today...and they are beautiful!

Kenny's parents visited over the weekend and spoiled Avery by taking her to Chuck-e-cheese and the Texas State Fair. Kenny is staying busy with school and work. His grades are all great...and he is getting smarter everyday! :)

I have a check-up tomorrow, but things are going well with my recovery. I told Kenny that I feel like I am at bootcamp though. I am awakened every few hours at night, and forced to stay awake for hours at a time. :) It's just all part of the fun.

Hoping to make it to the pumpkin patch this weekend while Grandma will be visiting. Both my kiddies will be pumpkins this year. Keep watching your mailbox, I hope to have a birth announcement to you by late next week.

Thanks for stopping by! Here are a few outtakes from our week!


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