Saturday, January 23, 2010

the scoop..

come on in...let's have a chat!

Well we have been official Texans for 19 months really is feeling like home more and more everyday. Speaking of home,though this feels like home,I miss having a home. This apartment is fine...but I am looking forward to having a place of my own again soon. We are looking forward to either renting or buying a house this summer. For my sanity, we must get more space. Some mornings it is pretty comical watching us try to get ourselves ready and the kids in such a small space.

Work for me is still going well. Not a week goes by that I don't find myself walking down the hall of my school...and it just hits me, I look around and I am overwhelmed with gratitude for my job. I am still shocked that I not only got a job in an excellent school district but I am teaching at one of the best schools in that district. I told the teacher's on my team recently, "It really sucks not to shine, but it is great to be among stars." I say this because the teacher's I work with define great teaching everyday. They are absolutely amazing. Before I came here, I felt like a great teacher, one of the best at my school. Here, I feel ordinary. Ordinary is not this is a tough transition. I do like a challenge though..

Kindergarten: So, I visited Avery's Rodeo day at school, and I didn't even cry. Ha! For the first five visits to her school, I would have to fight back tears. It was so hard to realize how much of her world that I wasn't a part of..after being her whole world for so long. For those of you who have gone through this...I am sure you understand. This time was different though..seeing her with her class gave me a feeling of pride. As she participated in a game on Rodeo day, her whole class chanted her name.."Avery, Avery!" It was really sweet. Her teacher is a real sweetheart too.

Andrew just transitioned to the next class at Primrose. This class gets to go outside and play on their own special playground, sleep on cots, and sits in little chairs at the cutest little tables. He is adjusting much better than I am. I can't help but to worry about him. Andrew is saying 'thank you'. It is adorable. He is also obsessed with cars and ducks...such a BOY.

Kenny just turned 34! We celebrated his birthday by going out on a date. It was nice to spend some time together without the kiddos. He is teaching Sunday School for adults every Sunday.

Overall, after I type all this up..I can see things are going well. Still can't shake the winter blues though. Lots of routine work and chores and plenty of time indoors. Looking forward to the spring and getting into a house.

Remember..Be kinder than necessary, because everyone is fighting some kind of battle. Life is a journey...try to enjoy it wherever you are on your path. Good advice for you and me!

Much love from Texas,

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