Monday, July 28, 2008

Sweet Home, Louisiana

Sorry for the delayed many of you know we went home this weekend. We wanted to surprise Alesha's brother, Jake, for his 18th birthday. It was fun..and he had no idea we were in town. We had a nice time catching up with everyone...even though we were spread very thin.

When we arrived home last night..we had a note stating that there was a serious sewage problem and we could use the apt upstairs for bathroom facilities. Hello people, I am 7 months pregnant..can you just picture me in my pj's and disshoveled hair walking up a flight of stairs at 2 am?? um, no So if you guys want to give me an early Christmas present I will take a Pot O'Gold please. Thank you very much...oh but one more thing..the good news is that they 'should' have this problem resolved in 10 days...oh goody!

In other news, I met my new OBGYN doctor last week. Yes, I was indeed lost, very the hospital for like 30 minutes while trying to find the drs office. Avery and I found it finally and really like our new doctor. The oh is beautiful! It just opened this past spring. We are going for an ultrasound next week to get a definate due date and to check on his kidneys..they were a bit dialated in May..which they say is pretty common. On the way home...lost again..but knew I was in trouble when I saw Martin Luther King Jr. drive...yikes..quick U-turn.

On Tuesday of last week, Avery and Alesha went to the Fort Worth Botanical Gardens. We had a picnic and a small photo session. That place is a little piece of beautiful.

Please continue to pray for our house to sell...we lowered the price today..and really hope this helps to seal the deal...its been on the market since January..looking forward to saying it is SOLD very soon..we will keep you posted and really appreciate your prayers.

If I forgot anything..I will be sure to post again this week. Thanks for checking in...stay cool..especially you Louisiana it is SO humid there..

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